Tuesday 13 February 2007

Air Time Technique

Three new videos demonstrating spatial awareness techniques for high jumpers and gymnasts. When performing these exercises stay relaxed and follow through with the movements focusing on creating the correct shape in the air with your body. Click each picture below to view and download to your video-ipod

Backwars Layout

Backwards Layout - create the shape of a Frosbry flop layout by jumping backwards and landing on your front. Repeat three times then move on to the the back-flip.


Back-flip - the same motion as the backwards layout except lead with the arms and hands and bring the legs over quickly while keeping them straight. Repeat three times then move on to the the back somersault.

Back Summie

Back Somersault - jump directly upwards and focus on tucking your knees towards your chest. The tighter you tuck the faster you will rotate. Try to slap your ankles with your hands, this will help to guide you. Repeat three times before taking a rest.

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